In    2021

The first green steps

In 2021, the ISIPO received recognition for having taken the first three Green Steps. The recognition documents were delivered at virtual meetings with a representative of the Environment Agency and employees of the ISIPO.


Ný skýrsla sýnir fram á efnahagslegan ávinning fyrirtækja af verndun hugverka

Fyrirtæki sem vernda hugverk sín skapa að meðaltali 20% hærri tekjur á hvern starfsmann en fyrirtæki sem gera það ekki. Þetta kemur fram í nýrri skýrslu Evrópsku einkaleyfastofunnar (EPO) og Hugverkastofu Evrópusambandsins (EUIPO) sem kom út í febrúar 2021. Jafnframt kemur fram að fyrirtæki sem eiga að minnsta kosti eitt einkaleyfi, skráð vörumerki eða skráða hönnun borga að meðaltali 19% hærri laun en önnur fyrirtæki.

Skýrslan, „Intellectual property rights and firm performance in the EU“, sýnir fram á sterka og jákvæða fylgni á milli hugverkaeignar fyrirtækja og efnahagslegrar frammistöðu þeirra. Þegar skoðaðar eru ólíkar tegundir hugverkaréttinda kemur fram að sterkasta fylgnin er hjá fyrirtækjum sem eiga einkaleyfi. Þau eru með að meðaltali 36% hærri tekjur á hvern starfsmann og greiða 53% hærri laun samanborið við fyrirtæki sem eiga engin skráð hugverk.

Rannsókn EPO og EUIPO sýnir enn frekar fram á mikilvægi hugverkaverndar fyrir hagkerfi og iðnað. Sameiginleg rannsókn EPO og EUIPO frá árinu 2019 sýndi fram á mikil efnahagsleg umsvif og atvinnusköpun íslenskra fyrirtækja sem vernda hugverkin sín. Önnur skýrsla EPO og EUIPO, sem einnig var birt árið 2019, sýndi jafnframt fram á að lítil og meðalstór fyrirtæki sem eiga skráð einkaleyfi, vörumerki eða hönnun væru líklegri til að ná miklum vexti í veltu. Þegar þessar rannsóknir eru teknar saman koma sterkar vísbendingar um tengsl á milli verndunar hugverka og efnahagslegrar frammistöðu, bæði þjóðhagslega og hjá einstökum fyrirtækjum.

ISIPO and Kontor nominated for a Lúður award

The ISIPO and the advertising agency Kontor Reykjavík were nominated for Lúður, the Icelandic advertising award, in 2021 for the campaign "It starts with a good idea" in the "Direct marketing" category.

The Innovation Center during Innovation Week

The ISIPO participated in the Innovation Week, which was held for the second time from May 26 to June 2, 2021.

Numerous ideas were received in NKG 2021

Despite the pandemic, ideas were received from 31 schools in the 2021 Elementary School Innovation Competition, NKG. The main prize went to Ásta Maren Ólafsdóttir and Ásdís Elma Ágústsdóttir in the 7th grade of Sandgerðisskóli for the idea "collapsible helmet". The ISIPO is a partner of NKG and Ásdís Kristmundsdóttir, Customer Service Leader at the ISIPO, was a member of the jury.

Iceland in 13th place on the European Innovation Scoreboard 2021

Iceland fell by one place on the European Innovation Scoreboard 2021 (EIS 2021). Iceland ranks 13th out of the 38 countries covered in the report. According to the report, innovation in this country is above average compared to the countries of the European Union, and Iceland is therefore classified as a "strong innovator".

The intellectual studio at Startup Supernova

As in previous years, the ISIPO had a workshop for participants in the business accelerator Startup Supernova.

Iceland moved up four places on the WIPO innovation index

Iceland moved up four places on the Global Innovation Index (GII) for 2021 and is in 17th place on the index.

Masterclass of Audna - the national Technology- and Knowledge Transfer Office

In September, a representative of the ISIPO gave a talk in the Masterclass of Audna - the national Technology- and Knowledge Transfer Office, on value creation in life and health technology.

Gullegg's scientific journey

Hugverkastofan took part in Gullegg's Science Trip, which was held in Gróska on October 22.

Equal pay certification

The ISIPO has received equal pay certification according to the ÍST 85:2012 standard. By implementing the standard, the Office has established a management system that ensures that procedures and decisions in salary matters are traceable, based on objective considerations and do not include gender-based discrimination.

Borghildur Erlingsdóttir re-elected vice-chairman of the EPO executive board

Borghildur Erlingsdóttir, Director General of the ISIPO, was re-elected vice-chairman of the executive board of the European Patent Office (EPO). The election took place at the meeting of the executive council on December 14, 2021.

EPO Patent Index 2021: Record number of Icelandic patent applications

A record number of patent applications were received from Icelandic parties to the European Patent Office (EPO) in 2021. 62 patent applications were submitted by Icelandic parties to the EPO in 2021, which is an increase of 51.2% year-on-year. The EPO has never received more Icelandic applications than in 2021. Most Icelandic applications in 2021 were in the field of medical technology (30.6%), but there was also a large proportion of applications in the field of other specialised machines (17.7%).
  • Íslenskum einkaleyfisumsóknum fjölgaði úr 40 í 62 sem er aukning um 51,2% milli ára.
  • Ísland er með 168 umsóknir á hverja milljón íbúa sem er hærra en meðaltalið í ríkjum Evrópusambandsins (155).
  • Alls fjölgaði umsóknum til EPO um 4,5% milli ára.
  • Mikil fjölgun umsókna á sviði stafrænnar tækni og heilsutækni. Flestar umsóknir koma frá Bandaríkjunum en mesta fjölgunin frá Kína.
  • Kínverska tæknifyrirtækið Huawei helsti umsóknaraðilinn en þar á eftir koma suður-kóresku fyrirtækin Samsung og LG.
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